Buddy systems
How do I support my employees from day one?
Using a buddy system is a simple and effective way to support new employees as they settle into their roles during their first few weeks or months. A buddy system involves pairing an experienced employee (the "buddy") with a newcomer. The role of a buddy includes answering questions, introducing the new team member to others, and sharing tips on workplace practices to help them settle in. On an ongoing basis, a buddy can be someone who provides support to raise personal or professional issues.
By pairing them with an experienced colleague, you can help them feel welcomed, get trained up, and feel like a part of the team from day one. This approach can boost morale, improve retention, and boost overall productivity.
This system works best for people who are new to the business, particularly for younger workers or those making a career change. A good buddy would be a trusted person that has been in the new person’s role before (typically two to five years further in their career).
Buddy System Benefits
Improves your onboarding process
Faster integration into your culture
Improved learning and development
Ongoing support and identification of issues
Increases the likelihood of new hires staying on
What should I keep in mind when setting up a buddy system?
Clarity: Ensure both the buddy and the new employee understand the purpose and expectations of the buddy system. Have an agreed timeframe for the formal buddy relationship.
Compatibility: Pair buddies who will work well together and have compatible personalities, workstyles and work in the same area.
Support: Provide buddies with the tools and resources they need to be effective
Flexibility: Be open to feedback and willing to adjust the buddy system as needed.

How can I support buddies to succeed?
Training materials: Here is a guide you can use outlining how to be an effective buddy.
My role as a buddy
To welcome your new workmate and help them settle in as smoothly as possible.
To create a memorable and positive experience for your new workmate.
To get them up to speed with the basics of getting around as soon as possible.
Principles for buddies
Be approachable and responsive
Make sure your new workmate knows they can come to you with any questions or concerns.
Be inclusive
Make sure to include your new workmate in team activities and events, and help them feel like a part of the team.
Be patient and understanding
Remember that starting a new job can be overwhelming, and be patient with your new workmate as they adjust to their new role.
Encourage and praise
If they’ve done a good job, say it. Make sure to encourage your new colleague when they do well.
Be a mentor
Share your experience and knowledge, and help your new workmate grow in their role.
Be a friend
Building a positive relationship with your new workmate makes their transition more enjoyable and will be beneficial for both of you.
Buddy system checklist: A list of tasks and topics for buddies to cover with newcomers.
Day one
Meet new joiner, give them a tour, including toilets, kitchen, lockers.
Help them navigate any administrative processes.
Show them where to get tea/coffee/eat lunch.
Introduce the new joiner to other team members.
Invite the new joiner to have lunch with you.
Provide a brief overview of the business culture, values so they know what to expect.
Share a bit about your personal experiences and insights about working at the business / in the industry.
Week one
If possible, coordinate shifts on the same days / times as the new joiner so you can be a familiar face.
Set up informal check-ins.
Provide an overview of the new joiner's team: other team members, roles, and responsibilities.
Have the new joiner shadow you to get the hang of new tasks.
Week two - four
Be available for spur of the moment questions.
Continue to introduce the new joiner to other team members.
Provide the new joiner with resources and materials to support their learning and development, such as training manuals or best practice advice.
What’s my role in a buddy system as an employer?
Trainer: Ensure buddies know their role as a buddy and are supported with training materials and a buddy checklist.
Introductions: On the new employee's first day, introduce them to their buddy. From there, the buddy can give them a tour, introduce them to colleagues, and help them get set up.
Escalation: Be available for support when issues or questions arise that need to be escalated beyond buddy assistance.
Feedback: Ask the new joiner and buddy how the system is working and use feedback to improve the process.
What steps can I follow to implement a buddy system?
Assess suitability: Consider if a buddy system would suit the size and working style of your team.
Select suitable buddies: Choose employees who are well-suited to be buddies. They should be experienced, approachable, and willing to take on the responsibility. Ensure they understand the importance of their role.
Communicate expectations: Clearly articulate what you expect buddies to do. Provide them with specific responsibilities, this will help them perform their role effectively.
Provide training and resources: Provide the buddy with a Buddy system checklist to guide them through their tasks.
Adjust workloads: Temporarily adjust the workloads of both the new employee and their buddy to accommodate ‘buddy time’. This might involve reallocating tasks or providing additional support to ensure that primary job responsibilities are not neglected.
Facilitate introduction: Ensure that the introduction between buddies and their assigned partners is smooth. Arrange initial meetings and encourage them to establish a rapport early on.
Establish a feedback mechanism: Keep track of how the buddy system is functioning. This could be through surveys, or one-on-one meetings. Regularly review this feedback to identify areas for improvement.
What does this look like in real life?

Sam is the newest worker at the dairy farm he has just joined as a milker. He got hired recently to help with the busy season - the team is currently in the midst of calving. Clocking long days and early starts in the midst of winter is starting to take a toll on Sam, throwing off his normal positive attitude.
The challenge
Working on a dairy farm can be tough and often lonely work. Early morning shifts mean that he doesn't get to see his friends often in the evenings, as he has to go to bed early.
Sam is learning how to do new tasks, and learning how to manage his time efficiently.
Buddy support response
The buddy system means Sam has a mate to share the load with and someone who looks out for him on the job. His buddy shares tips for shift work.
At the end of the day, Sam and his buddy have a regular check-in. They talk about what they accomplished, plan for the next day, and make sure neither of them is feeling overwhelmed. If one of them is, they discuss ways to adjust the workload, prioritise jobs, or find additional support.
When Sam joined, most of the team was very busy and feeling stressed - which was not very approachable.
The owner of the farm temporarily decreased the workload for Sam’s buddy so that he had enough time to support Sam. Having a go-to person to ask questions was helpful, and Sam didn’t feel like a bother asking questions because his buddy made it clear that he had time, and was there to help Sam get settled into his daily tasks. He could shadow his buddy to learn how to do tasks.